One of the goals of our work is to spread knowledge and interpret content among the general public in relation to sustainable spatial planning. To this end, we regularly publish different publications in Slovene language. Below, we highlight three that contain a summary in English language.
Berilo za trajnostno urejanje prostora – A Booklet on sustainable spatial planning
A Booklet on sustainable spatial planning is aimed at the general public to help involve it into spatial planning processes, its content relates to an information platform of advocates of environment “Zagovorniki okolja”. The Reader is designed to explain how the idea of sustainable development is related to spatial planning and environmental protection, how the Slovenian spatial planning system is integrated into this framework and how the characteristics of a sustainable approach are reflected in the spatial planning practice.
Whole summary available in Slovene at the end of the Reader.
If you want your own copy of publication, please contact us.
Jane’s Walk: Urbani sprehodi za prijaznejša mesta – Jane’s Walk: Urban walks for friendly cities
Jane’s Walk was started in 2007 to commemorate and celebrate the life and ideas of Jane Jacobs, and now has become an event hosted by cities around the world. Jane Jacobs’ call to ‘get out and walk’, to learn about your city and get involved, has inspired volunteer walk leaders to share and converse about their neighbourhoods and meaningful places. The Jane’s Walk event continues to grow globally and we are excited to see how well it has been received in Slovenia.
Summary available in Slovene.
Unfortunately we do not have any copy of publication left, but you can read Online version (PDF).
Politike prostora – Urban policies
Publication Spatial policies: about community challenges between Ljubljana and Seul hold a collection of papers, that offer various critical views on spatial and urban development, emphasise the meaning of thought-through public policies and their spatial effects on quality of life in the cities as well as it talks about innovative spatial practices in the context of world urban trends.
English abstracts of papers are available in the publication.
If you want your own copy of publication, please contact us.