The ATTRACT-SEE project addresses the need for improved understanding of comprehensive territorial dynamics and improved coordination among different public policies to achieve territorial cohesion. The project is based on real…
The ATTRACT-SEE project addresses the need for improved understanding of comprehensive territorial dynamics and improved coordination among different public policies to achieve territorial cohesion. The project is based on real…
Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package Zero: Data collection and quality assessment Co-workers…
The “Study on promoting multi-level governance in support of Europe 2020” aims at generating lessons from policy experiences and at stimulating the learning and exchange between regions. It has been…
Maribor is one of the twelve cities forming the URBACT network My Generation at Work that aims to promote the employability of young people in a changing labour market, with…