Territorial Agenda in Practice / Teritorialna agenda v praksi

29 September 2021, 8.30-16.00, IZUM – Institute of Information Science / IZUM – Institut informacijskih znanosti, Prešernova ulica 17, Maribor, Slovenia (live event / v živo)




Implementing the Territorial Agenda

On Wednesday, September 29, 2021, the conference ALL PLACES ARE IMPORTANT: Territorial agenda in practice was held in Maribor. The conference was part of the Slovenian Presidency to the Council of the EU and was organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning in cooperation with IPoP − Institute for Spatial Policies and the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia. The aim of the conference was to enrich the discussion on territorial quality of life and to contribute to the integration of the territorial agenda into political processes at various levels.

The participants were first greeted on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning by Aša Rogelj, Deputy Director of the Directorate for Spatial Planning, Construction and Housing. She emphasized the importance of small towns, which provide equal access to services and the possibility of a good quality of life. She pointed out that the role of small and medium-sized cities is also emphasized in the framework of the Ljubljana Agreement, which will be submitted to the ministers responsible for urban development at the end of November.

On behalf of the organizer, the participants were greeted by Marko Peterlin, director of IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policies. He said that the main purpose of the event was to promote the Territorial Agenda 2030, which was created during the German presidency of the EU Council and started its implementation this year during the Portuguese and current Slovenian presidencies, and that the conference wanted to highlight cases of good practice that contribute to the implementation of this document.

In the first part, we hosted distinguished guests who introduced us to the topic. Daniel Meltzian from the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community presented the new Territorial Agenda document. He stressed that the Territorial Agenda strives to give people the opportunity to live well wherever they want. In order to facilitate understanding, a summary and an atlas were prepared alongside the agenda, as well as a comprehensive list of cases that correspond to the priorities of the territorial agenda.

Philipp Schwartz from Interact spoke about linking the territorial agenda to Interreg. To this end, a focus group has been set up, which found that the territorial agenda must become part of the overall Interreg program and life cycle of the projects, that the implementation of the agenda in the program and projects requires hands-on solutions and that existing selection criteria must be aligned with the agenda. He also said that they are looking for functional regions that could be highlighted as examples of good practice given the territorial agenda.

Wiktor Szydarowski, Director of the ESPON Program, presented a study prepared during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU on quality of life. He focused on territorial quality of life, the essence of which is that the perception of quality of life depends on location. An important emphasis was also that ESPON organizes Living Labs, with which they want to co-create research on the quality of life together with groups of professionals and citizens. In the coming months, ESPON will also prepare a study for the cross-border area, which includes the Karst, Istria and Trieste.

The main part of the conference consisted of six examples of good practice from European countries, regions and local communities, which are already following the priorities of the new territorial agenda. Unfortunately, Mojca Markič from the Municipality of Jezersko was not able to attend the conference.

Albert Garcia Macian from the Municipality of Mollet del Valles in Spain was the first to introduce himself to the participants. He presented an example of an area that was planned for the construction of a satellite city of Barcelona during the Franco regime. Numerous unwanted uses have developed in this vacated area and as a result, the space has become degraded. The municipality of Mollet del Valles, in cooperation with some neighbouring municipalities, has decided to protect the area as an agro-ecological park and dedicate it to food production. In most cases, growers have switched to organic farming and the production of cereals and legumes is manily intended for human consumption, not for animals. The municipality strives to support local farmers with a local shop and developing a single brand.

Oliver Horeni from the Upper Elbe Transport Association from Dresden, Germany, presented the system of public transport tickets valid in the cross-border area between the German state of Saxony and the Czech region of Bohemia. The cross-border region is characterized by national parks visited by both foreign tourists and residents of the region on both sides of the border. Many cross-border routes are also made for shopping. The ticketing system applies to local trains, a high-speed train, buses and a ferry. For the time being, it mainly addresses the needs of leisure travel, while tickets for daily commuters have yet to be developed. The development of the cross-border ticket system has been quite demanding, as there are two different currencies as well as socio-economic differences between the regions. Horeni emphasized that cooperation between different actors, intensive talks and perseverance are important in solving such challenges.

Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska, director of the “green department” in the Polish municipality of Wrocław, presented the measures the city is using to adapt to climate change. She said climate policy and adaptation to climate change were among Wroclaw’s most pressing challenges. They want to ensure resilience to climate risks such as heat waves, intense rainfall, floods and storms. They are working to reduce the heat island effect and improve the quality of life by planning new parks and green spaces. They are greening existing public areas, in particular she highlighted the project of greening schoolyards. In addition to green, she also emphasized the importance of blue infrastructure and presented the city’s desire to become edible (edible city) and absorbent (sponge city).

Igor Kos from the Regional Development Agency Podravje – Maribor presented the transition of the city of Maribor to a circular economy. The Municipality of Maribor has already outlined its transition to a circular economy in the preparation of the Sustainable Urban Strategy. The WCycle Institute was established in 2017 and has successfully acquired a number of projects to help founding public companies change their operating processes with demonstration projects. With the merger with the Regional Development Agency Podravje – Maribor, the influence of the institute expands to 41 municipalities in the region. In the future, they plan to implement sustainable solutions to improve air quality along Pekre Creek and to renovate the facilities of the former prison, where the agency headquarters are located.

Anett Numa from the e-Estonia Information Center spoke about digitalisation as a tool for territorial cohesion in Estonia. She pointed out that digital connectivity allows people a lot of flexibility, as it is also possible to live in remote countryside or islands and work normally. The whole of Estonia is covered by broadband internet. Online services also mean big savings, only digital signatures are estimated to save 2% of GDP per year. Elections have also been held online for a number of years, with 46% of votes cast online at the last election.

The presentations were followed by a round table where participants discussed the role of different stakeholders in the implementation of TA2030 and how different stakeholders contribute to territorial quality of life. Marek Teplansky from the European Commission, Wiktor Szydarowsky from ESPON, Blanka Bartol from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Anett Numa from the e-Estonia Briefing Centre, Oliver Horeni from the Upper Elbe Transport Association and Igor Kos from the Regional Development Agency Podravje – Maribor participated in the round table.

The round table was followed by lunch and a site visit to good practices of the circular economy and urban development in Maribor. The participants visited the small market on Dominkuševa ulica, the Mobility Center Maribor, GT22 and Vojašniški trg.


Teritorialna agenda se že uresničuje

V sredo, 29. septembra 2021, je v Mariboru potekala konferenca VSI KRAJI SO POMEMBNI: Teritorialna agenda v praksi. Konferenco je v okviru predsedovanja Slovenije Svetu EU organiziralo Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor v sodelovanju z IPoP – Inštitutom za politike prostora in Skupnostjo občin Slovenije. Namen konference je bil obogatiti razpravo o prostorski razsežnosti kakovosti življenja in prispevati k vključitvi teritorialne agende v politične procese na različnih ravneh.

Zbrane je najprej v imenu Ministrstva za okolje in prostor pozdravila Aša Rogelj, namestnica direktorja Direktorata za prostor, graditev in stanovanja. Poudarila je pomen malih mest, ki omogočajo enakovreden dostop do storitev in možnost za kakovostno življenje. Izpostavila je, da si za prizadevajo izpostavili vlogo malih in srednje velikih mest tudi v okviru Ljubljanskega dogovora, ki bo predložen ministrom, pristojnim za urbani razvoj, konec novembra.

V imenu organizatorja je udeležence pozdravil Marko Peterlin, direktor IPoP – Inštitut za politike prostora. Povedal je, da je glavni namen dogodka promocija Teritorialne agende 2030, ki je nastala v okviru predsedovanja Nemčije Svetu EU in se je začel izvajati letos v času portugalskega in trenutnega slovenskega predsedovanja, ter da želi konferenca izpostaviti primere, ki vede ali nevede ključno prispevajo k izvajanju tega dokumenta.

V prvem delu smo gostili ugledne goste, ki so nas uvedli v temo. Daniel Meltzian z nemškega Zveznega ministrstva za notranje zadeve, graditev in skupnost je predstavil nov dokument Teritorialne agende. Poudaril je, da si teritorialna agenda prizadeva, da imajo ljudje možnosti dobro živeti, kjerkoli si to želijo. Za lažje razumevanje so ob bok agendi pripravili tudi povzetek in atlas ter obsežen seznam primerov, ki ustrezajo prioritetam teritorialne agende.

Philipp Schwartz s programa Interact je govoril o povezovanju teritorialne agende s programom Interreg. Za ta namen je bila ustanovljena fokusna skupina, ki ugotavlja, da mora postati teritorialna agenda del celotnega programa Interreg in življenjskega cikla projektov, da so uresničevanje agende v programu in projektih potrebne praktične rešitve ter da je treba obstoječe kriterije za izbor uskladiti z agendo. Povedal je tudi, da so v iskanju funkcionalnih regij, ki bi jih lahko izpostavili kot primere dobre prakse upoštevajoč teritorialno agendo.

Wiktor Szydarowski, direktor programa ESPON je predstavil študijo, ki so jo pripravili ob Predsedovanju Slovenije Svetu EU o kakovosti življenja. Osredotočil se je na prostorsko razsežnost kakovosti življenja, katere bistvo je, da je percepcija kakovosti življenja odvisna od lokacije. Pomemben poudarek je bil tudi, da ESPON organizira t. i. Living Labs, s katerimi želijo raziskovanje kakovosti življenja sooblikovati skupaj s skupinami strokovnjakov in prebivalcev. ESPON bo v naslednjih mesecih pripravil tudi študijo za čezmejnem območju, ki obsega Kras, Istro in Trst.

Osrednji del konference je sestavljalo šest primerov dobre prakse iz evropskih držav, regij in lokalnih skupnosti, ki že sledijo prioritetam nove teritorialne agende. Mojca Markič z Občine Jezersko se konference na žalost ni utegnila udeležiti.

Kot prvi se je udeležencem predstavil Albert Garcia Macian z Občine Mollet del Valles v Španiji. Predstavil je primer območja, ki je bilo v času Francovega režima predvideno za graditev satelitskega mesta Barcelone. Na tem izpraznjenem območju so se razvile številne neželene rabe in posledično je prostor postal degradiran. Občina Mollet del Valles se je v sodelovanju z nekaterimi sosednjimi občinami odločila, da območje zaščiti kot kmetijsko-ekološki park in ga nameni pridelavi hrane. V večini so pridelovalci prešli na ekološko pridelavo in pridelavo žit in stročnic, ki so namenjene za prehrano ljudem, ne živalim. Občina si prizadeva podpirati lokalne kmete z ureditvijo lokalne trgovine in razvojem enotne znamke.

Oliver Horeni s Prometne zveze Zgornja Laba iz nemškega Dresdna je predstavil sistem vozovnic za javni promet, ki veljajo na čezmejnem območju med nemško deželo Saška in češko regijo Bohemija. Regijo zaznamujejo nacionalni parki, ki jih obiskujejo tako tuji turisti kot tudi prebivalci v regiji na eni in drugi strani meje. Veliko čezmejnih poti pa opravijo tudi za nakupovanje. Sistem vozovnic velja za lokalne vlake, hiter vlak, avtobuse in trajekt. Zaenkrat naslavlja predvsem potrebe potovanj v prostem času, medtem ko morajo vozovnice za dnevne migrante še razviti. Razvoj sistema čezmejnih vozovnic je bil precej zahteven, saj gre za dve različni valuti in socio-ekonomske razlike. Horeni je poudaril, da je pri reševanju takšnih izzivov pomembno predvsem sodelovanje med različnimi akterji, intenzivni pogovori in vztrajnost.

Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska, direktorica »zelenega oddelka« v poljski občini Vroclav je predstavila ukrepe, s katerimi se mesto poskuša prilagoditi na podnebne spremembe. Povedala je, da spadata podnebna politika in prilagajanje na podnebne spremembe med bolj pereče izzive Vroclava. Želijo si zagotoviti odpornost na podnebna tveganja, kot so vročinski valovi, intenzivne padavine in nevihte, poplave in viharji. Prizadevajo si zmanjšati učinek toplotnega otoka in izboljšali kakovost življenja z načrtovanjem novih parkov in zelenih površin. Ozelenjujejo obstoječe javne površine, še zlasti je izpostavila projekt ozelenjevanja šolskih dvorišč. Poleg zelene je poudarila tudi pomen modre infrastrukture ter predstavila željo mesta, da postane užitno (edible city) in vpojno (sponge city).

Igor Kos z Regionalne razvojne agencije Podravje – Maribor je predstavil prehod mesta Maribor na krožno gospodarstvo. Mestna občina Maribor je že pri pripravi Trajnostne urbane strategije začrtala svoj prehod v krožno gospodarstvo. Leta 2017 ustanovljen inštitut WCycle, ki je uspešno pridobil številne projekte, s katerimi so ustanoviteljskim javnim podjetjem pomagali spremeniti procese delovanja z demonstracijskimi projekti. S pripojitvijo Regionalni razvojni agenciji Podravje – Maribor se vpliv inštituta širi na 41 občin v regiji. V prihodnje načrtujejo implementacijo sonaravnih rešitev za izboljšanje kakovosti zraka ob Pekrskem potoku in prenovo objektov nekdanje kaznilnice, kjer se nahaja sedež RRA.

Anett Numa z Informacijskega centra e-Estonia je govorila o digitalizaciji kot orodju za teritorialno kohezijo v Estoniji. Poudarila je, da digitalna povezanost ljudem omogoča veliko fleksibilnosti, saj je mogoče živeti tudi na oddaljenem podeželju ali otokih in normalno delati. Celotna Estonija je namreč pokrita s širokopasovnim internetom. Elektronske storitve pomenijo tudi velike prihranke, samo z digitalnimi podpisi naj bi prihranili 2 % BDP letno. Prav tako že vrsto let prek spleta potekajo volitve, na zadnjih je bilo prek spleta oddanih 46 % glasov.

Predstavitvam je sledila okrogla miza, na kateri so se udeleženci pogovarjali o vlogi različnih deležnikov pri izvajanju TA2030 in o tem, kako različni deležniki prispevajo k prostorski razsežnosti kakovosti življenja. Na okrogli mizi so sodelovali Marek Teplansky z Evropske komisije, Wiktor Szydarowsky iz ESPONA, Blanka Bartol z Ministrstva RS za okolje in prostor, Anett Numa z Informacijskega centra e-Estonia, Oliver Horeni s Prometne zveze Zgornje Laba in Igor Kos z Regionalne razvojne agencije Podravje – Maribor.

Okrogli mizi je sledilo kosilo in ogled dobrih praks krožnega gospodarstva in urbanega razvoja na terenu. Udeleženci so si ogledali malo tržnico na Dominkuševi ulici, Center mobilnosti Maribor, GT22 in Vojašniški trg.



Daniel Meltzian: .pdf
Philipp Schwartz: .pdf
Wiktor Szydarowsky: .pdf
Albert Garcia Macian: .pdf
Oliver Horeni: .pdf
Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska: .pdf
Igor Kos: .pdf
Anett Numa: .pdf



Fotografije: Gregor Salobir


What is the link between territorial development and quality of life? How is territorial cohesion included in the new cohesion policy? Join us in the discussion about these and other similar questions and get to know six inspiring cases that contribute to the implementation of the territorial agenda in practice.

Economic and social differences between regions and places as well as characteristics of the environment determine our way of life and affect the perception of quality of life. With good governance, stakeholders can change the characteristics of individual areas and thus contribute to improving the perceived quality of life.

Territorial Agenda 2030, adopted by ministers responsible for spatial planning, territorial development and territorial cohesion in December 2020, represents an agreement on common objectives and priorities in the field of territorial cohesion. It highlights the importance of increasing quality of life as an underlying objective of all public policies. Access to and quality of public services, freedom of movement, healthy, resilient, high-quality built environments, quality of air, soil and water, as well as nature, landscape and cultural heritage contribute to the territorial quality of life.

This conference strives to enrich the discussion on territorial quality of life and inspire integration of the territorial agenda into policy processes at different levels. In the first part, we will host distinguished guests to introduce the topic. The main part of the conference consists of six examples of good practice from European countries, regions and local communities who are already following the priorities of the new territorial agenda. The event will close with a discussion on the implementation of the new territorial agenda with a special focus on the quality of life. We are also very excited to take you on a site visit to exemplary cases in Maribor in the afternoon.

The conference is organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia, IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policies and the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia and is part of the Slovenian EU presidency. This is a bilingual event, it will take place in Slovene and English.


Kako je prostorski razvoj povezan s kakovostjo življenja? Na kakšen način je prostorska razsežnost kohezije vključena v novo kohezijsko politiko? Pridružite se nam pri razpravi o teh in podobnih vprašanjih ter spoznajte šest navdihujočih primerov, ki v praksi prispevajo k izvajanju teritorialne agende.

Gospodarske in družbene razlike med območji in kraji ter značilnosti okolja določajo način življenja in vplivajo na dojemanje kakovosti življenja. Z dobrim upravljanjem lahko deležniki spreminjajo značilnosti posameznih območij in tako prispevajo k zvišanju prepoznane kakovosti življenja. 

Teritorialna agenda 2030, ki so jo ministri, pristojni za prostorski razvoj in teritorialno kohezijo, sprejeli decembra 2020, predstavlja dogovor o skupnih ciljih in prednostnih nalogah na področju teritorialne kohezije. Poudarja pomen kakovosti življenja kot osnovnega cilja vseh javnih politik. Dostop do javnih storitev in njihova kakovost, svoboda gibanja, zdravo, odporno, visokokakovostno grajeno okolje, kakovost zraka, tal in vode ter narava, krajina in kulturna dediščina prispevajo h kakovosti življenja na posameznih območjih. 

Konferenca si prizadeva obogatiti razpravo o prostorski razsežnosti kakovosti življenja in prispevati k vključitvi teritorialne agende v politične procese na različnih ravneh. V prvem delu bomo gostili ugledne goste, ki nas bodo uvedli v temo. Osrednji del konference je sestavljen iz šestih primerov dobrih praks iz evropskih držav, regij in lokalnih skupnosti, ki že sledijo prioritetam nove teritorialne agende. Dogodek se bo zaključil z razpravo o izvajanju nove teritorialne agende s posebnim poudarkom na kakovosti življenja. Prav tako smo zelo veseli, da vas popoldne lahko odpeljemo na ogled zglednih primerov v Mariboru.

Konferenco organizirajo Ministrstvo RS za okolje in prostor, IPoP – Inštitut za politike prostora in Skupnost občin Slovenije ter je del programa ob predsedovanju Slovenije Svetu EU. Dogodek bo potekal dvojezično, v slovenščini in angleščini.




GOVORCI (.pdf)



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Additional information about the event / Več informacij o dogodku: Petra Očkerl,


Grafična podoba: Darja Klančar, Darka

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